HKT 's Adventures in Marathoning


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July 31, 2002 - 109 days to go
Total Miles July: 71.54
Total Miles: 126.52
Boring day --- walked the loop at Valley Forge to get in just over 6 miles.  That puts me a little over for the week so far, and that can only be good.  This was a monumental event because I actually missed some TV for my walk.  Who would have expected that?!  Of course, it was only Big Brother so I really didn't miss anything.
We saw some good wildlife at VF.  A couple of foxes and a bunch of fawns.  We even saw one little fawn nursing which was very cool but they were interruped when a gang of hooligans on mountain bikes came zooming along.  Still a cool sighting.
My Lance Armstrong T-shirts came today.  Maybe I'll wear one over the weekend (probably not, no coolmax in those things.)
July 30, 2002 - 110 days to go
We managed to squeeze in a 3.33 mile walk between working late and the Mole.  Whew!  I am really worried about how I'm going to stay on track during the regular TV season.  I think I'm going to have to get my very own VCR that won't have any possibility of interference from Mom with the programming.
July 29, 2002 - 111 days to go
End of first 20+ mile week
Big training weekend for me!  I went walking on Saturday and I only had to do 4 miles but it was a nice day and I felt pretty good so I walked the full loop at VF and came in at just over 6 miles.  I felt good about that since I had skipped a workout on Thursday and wanted to make up the miles.
Sunday I had to go on my long walk.  Aggie & Brian both decided to come with me to Kelly Drive for my 9 mile buddy walk.  It would have been OK except it was pouring rain when we agreed to meet but they were both really good sports and went with me even with the lousy weather. 
The walk wasn't too bad --- I didn't start to feel any ill effects until after mile 7 and I think my discomfort was the result of doing the two longish walks so close together.  I have some minor muscle aches and the start of a blister on my left heel. Yuck!  I hope this blister thing is a result of the rain and not anything else because I'm not sure I have it in me to begin a quest for the perfect socks & shoes.  (Who am I kidding!  Buying new stuff is my favorite thing!)
All in all it was about a 15 mile weekend and I did all 15 in less than 24 hours.  I was all happy about that until I realized that that's only about half the marathon.  Yikes!
On a side note, Lance Armstrong won his 4th Tour de France yesterday. He's just incredible.  I ordered some Lance t-shirts in the hope that maybe some of his guts will rub off on me.
July 25, 2002 - 115 days to go

I finally cracked and did a workout on the treadmill.  And you know what?  It was actually kind of fun.  I walked an easy mile, hopped off and stretched and then programmed it for the hilly course and walked an additional 2 miles. (Mostly uphill!)  But the cool part was playing with my speed.  I think Brian & I average around 4mph but it was nice realizing that I can walk quite a bit faster than that without knocking myself out.  I guess the trick is figuring out how to pick up the pace while I'm on my own and don't have the treadmill doing it for me.  I still have a few months to figure that out though.  Bottom line is that I got in about 3.5 miles including the leisurely stroll outside on my way to and from the gym.
Tuesday night we had another rainstorm but luckily it stopped in time for Brian & I to get in close to 3 miles at Valley Forge before the Mole came on.  I think the final total was 2.85.  That counts as 3 as far as I'm concerned.

July 22, 2002 - 118 days to go
It's been a long time without an update, huh!  I had a really bad week prior to vacation when I didn't get in any training because I was busy getting ready for the trip but I did well on my week at the beach.
I got in two walks over 6 miles and 2 that were about 3.25.  Plus I went on a couple of bike rides that were 8 and 12 miles long.  All in all a good effort for somebody who hates to do anything but sit on a beach chair all day.
The interesting news from the shore is that there were stingrays all over the water where we were staying.  Sting Rays!  In Ocean City!  Tons of them!  Bizarre, creepy and cool.
Breaking News!

As soon as the matching gifts kick in I'll have reached my fund raising goal! 
Sarah & Pat put me over the edge the other day when I got their check.  Even without the matching gifts, I've raised over $2000, which means I have a lot of generous friends and family.  Thanks!

July 6-7, 2002 - 133 days to go
Ocean City, NJ
Brian and I spent the weekend at the shore.  It was awesome!  Beautiful weather and the ocean was warm & clear. 
Sunday was strange because everything was covered in this gross haze that arrived from some forest fire in Canada.  I really hope it's gone by next week!
As for the walking:  I did 2 miles on Saturday because my leg was still bothering me a little bit.  Sunday we did 5.
July 5, 2002 - 135 days to go
Whew! Finally the heat wave is over!  Brian and I walked on the very shady Perkiomen Trail yesterday and logged almost 5 miles in the brutal heat.  If there wasn't shade I wouldn't have lasted a mile, it was that hot. 
Anyway, the walk was a nice change of pace and we saw two of the cutest little foxes hanging out trying to beat the heat under the trees.  The looked just like the ones in the picture!
I'm really pleased that I followed the training schedule without cheating this week since I said that the 20 week mark was when I had to start behaving and following the schedule regardless of heat or weather.  Yesterday I would probably have wimped out without Brian to urge me to go, so thank god for him.
Today would be a good day for walking but I think I'm going to skip it (it's a rest day on the schedule) and let my sore leg heal.  It's not hurting as much as it did the other day, and it's not too painful during the actual walk, but it does hurt when I stand up and walk after I've been sitting for a long time.  Very strange.  I think it might have some connection to being in the car for a long time.  It didn't begin to hurt until after the long drive to and from Virginia and didn't really bother me again until yesterday after a trip from Brian's to my apartment and back again. 
By the way, the AC at the apartment is broken!  YUCK!  I hope they can fix it soon.
Brian and I are off to Ocean City for the weekend -- it should be easy to get my 6 mile long walk in down at the beach.
July 3, 2002 - 137 days to go
I walked 4 miles last night after dinner and before The Mole.  It seemed like a very easy and relaxed walk, even with the heat (over 90 again), and I felt like I quit early and should have kept on going.  But today, it looks as if I did the right thing because I have some kind of strange injury. 
The top inside of my right leg is hurting quite a bit when I first stand up and take a few steps.  I wonder if it's the shoes I've been wearing for the past few days or if this really has something to do with the walking?  I can't believe that since I haven't done anything challenging yet.
Stay tuned for some updates.  Right now, I'm off to CVS to load up on ibuprofen.

Horizontal Divider 3

June 29-30, 2002
Visiting Joan
Total Miles for June: 54.98
I took Mom down to Virginia to visit Joan and to check out her new pool.  The ride was long and boring but the pool was awesome!
Joan & Steve have an awesome treadmill that I used to do 3 miles on Saturday night.  The best thing about the treadmill is that it completely miscalculates your speed and distance, so while I know I did 3 miles at around 4mph because of the Digi-Walker, the treadmill thinks I did about 5.5 at a much faster pace.  It really is a good thing I have the digi-walker otherwise I'd have quit early!
Sunday I didn't walk but I did swim a bunch in the pool so I guess that's better than being a total slug.  
Oh...and it seems that Sportbrain may be making a comeback! Stay tuned for more details...

June 27, 2002 - 143 Days to Go
Well, no walking tonight --- we had a horrible storm and tons of lightening and rain and wind. 
This is probably my last chance to wimp out due to weather.  The marathon is 20 weeks from Sunday and that's the official length of the training program I have.  That means I have to stick to the mileage per day from now on.  Hello Treadmill!
June 27, 2002 - 143 Days to Go
I washed the Digi-Walker!!!  I was really worried that all that water was going to really zap it and force me to buy a new one but I got lucky and it dried out overnight.  Whew!
I walked 2 miles last night after dinner.  I know that doesn't sound the least bit impressive but it was 90 degrees outside and I'm surprised I managed to do anything.  I also figured out a good loop walk near the apartment so I have an idea of a measured distance other than Valley Forge.  I'll need to work on this and find a more interesting route, but anything is better than the treadmill.
I also discovered that the people who sing the praises of Cool-Max fabric are right! It's awesome!  This heat wave as convinced me that I'll never survive this training without it.
I've got the Valley Forge loop on the schedule tonight -- hopefully we'll be able to squeeze it in around the thunderstorms. I'll have a chance to test my theory about the different feel of walking clockwise or counterclockwise there.  I'll elaborate on that after the walk.  I forgot that my first entry on that subject got zapped by the misbehaving website.

June 26, 2002 
I walked 4.3 miles last night before the mole.  I got in a 5 miler the other day but I don't have my chart to figure out what day exactly.  It's been hard with the crazy weather...I think I'm going to have to start getting up before work and getting my miles in then.  That's going to be like pure torture.
This site seems goofy and won't let me add proper entries.  I'm adding this here just as a test.

June 18, 2002 - 152 Days to Go
Valley Forge
What is with this rain?  It keeps arriving just when I'm ready to go for a walk.  I hate that.  Got in about 4.5 miles before rushing back to watch The Mole.
Somebody at work came up to chat about TNT after seeing the giant sign in my cube.  She did the Atlantic City marathon as a walker several years ago with TNT.  She said the race was horrible but the experience overall was good.  Then she told me a gross story about losing her toenails.  I don't need to hear that right now.  Come to think of it, I don't need to hear that ever.  Blick!
June 17, 2002 - 153 Days to Go
Walk Don't Run
Walk Don't Run starring Cary Grant and Jim Hutton is the best movie in the world.  Rent it or look for it on the late night movie.  It's been my favorite movie forever and oddly enough it's about race walking.  Perhaps I've been destined for endurance walking all along!
I calibrated the Digi-Walker tonight and wound up walking 1.5 miles in the process.
June 16, 2002 - 154 Days to Go
Back to Walking - the Digi-Walker
I had another group walk with TNT today and once again I had to be at Valley Forge by 8am.  Yuck!  I made it though and we learned some new stretches and got in a nice 4 mile walk. 
There was a racewalking guru guy there who has coached for TNT before and is, from what I understand, a super deluxe, well respected, race walker.  His name was Jeff Salvage and he was giving us all some quick analysis of our walking styles and let us know that he has a race walking club that meets on Kelly Drive once a week.  He invited us to come and learn how to walk like him. 
Now, you're all thinking "It's walking! What kind of special technique could you possibly need?"  but let me tell you, this guy has a turbo boost like you have never seen.  He's amazingly fast.  I think I might try to get down there and learn something from him.  I mean, if he can train Olympians, he can only be good for me, right?
In other news, I got my new digiwalker pedometer yesterday. I love it!  The basic healthy walking goal is to get 10,000 steps per day.  I had nearly that by the end of my walk at VF.  It's very cool to see your progress throughout the day.  This particular model shows steps, distance and time.  I just love it!  If you're interested check out the links page because I will link you to the site where you can get one.
I met two more really nice women today at the walk.  These TNT folks are really an amazing group.  Both of these women have done events before, one the Dublin marathon and the other a Triathlon down in Florida.  They're former slugs like me, so who knows, maybe this experience will transform me completely like it did them!
June 15, 2002 - 155 Days to Go
I got a Bike!
I've been wanting a bike forever and today I finally went to the bike shop to investigate the bikes.  Not too surprisingly, I walked out of the store with a bike.  It was really fun, actually. The guy asked me a bunch of questions, selected a bike for me (on sale!) and let me ride it around a bit outside.  He got me outfitted in a helmet, gave me the low-down on the quick release tires and sent me on my way.  Sounds great, right?
Well, Aggie and I had quite a time trying to undo the "quick release" tires and wedging the thing into the back of my car.  But we finally got it going and I took it for a thrilling spin around the parking lot later.  I can't wait until tomorrow so I can ride it for real.

June 14, 2002 - 156 Days to Go
I managed to walk the loop last night -- without any shortcuts and in the rain.  Yuck!  It's a good thing Brian lives so close to VF because if he wasn't there to go with me I think the rain would have scared me off.
In other news, I signed up for the Philadelphia Distance Run.  It's in mid-September and it's a half marathon.  Lots of folks in my TNT group are doing that race for charity but I'm just doing it for practice.  It's the right length for my long training walk that week and I think it'll be fun to experience a race atmosphere before Bermuda.  Plus, I get a cool t-shirt.
Last night I spent a good deal of time creating a spreadsheet to track my scheduled miles and actual miles for the training period.  I need to find out what's the most important thing: logging miles per week or miles per session.  I think that it's going to be really helpful to really see what I'm doing every day.  I ordered a pedometer too so that will add a little more fun to my walks.  (Too bad Sportbrain hasn't come back yet!)
I have started to tell people at the office that I'm doing the marathon and today I hung a giant Team in Training poster up in my cube.  I see it everytime I walk into the cube and it's a giant reminder to not to dive into the jar of candy on my shelf and to drink more water. It makes me happy to see it and to be reminded that I'm starting this 6 month adventure.  Which is great, but I really hung it up because I'm hoping that people will see the sign, ask questions and eventually they'll get behind my effort and make a donation.
Brian & I are scheduled for a Loop Walk at VF tonight so keep your fingers crossed that the weather cooperates.  I know eventually I'm going to have to knuckle under and train in the rain but I'm not ready to make that leap yet.  I'd better be by the weekend though because things aren't looking good weather-wise for the group walk.

June 12, 2002 - 158 Days to Race
Hydration Systems???

I spent lunchtime today at REI checking out hydration systems.  Doesn't that sound like something you'd need for a spaceship or something?  Anyway, I settled on this nifty little item: The Camelbak Flash Flow in Ozone Blue.  It holds 45 oz of water and a couple of power bars too.  I knew there would be an upside to this training: a whole new world of cool stuff to buy!
June 11, 2002 -  159 Days to the Race
Valley Forge Park
Another boring loop around the park.  I guess it's about 5.5 miles.  It was horrible tonight because it was so humid and hot and gross but I guess it could have actually rained and that would have been worse for sure.  I'm worried about tomorrow because there are going to be thunderstorms which means I'll be stuck working out on a treadmill.  Yuck.
June 9, 2002 -  161 Days to the Race
Today Brian and I went to the bike race in Manayunk.  We walked all over the course and probably by the end of the day we'd logged about 10 miles.  It was an easy pace but there were lots and lots of hill and we parked so far away we had to hike through Wissahickon Gorge just to get to and from the car.  (no, I'm not kidding about that!)